Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wife. It's more than a title; it's a privilege!

I am a blessed woman! Having a healthy marriage has changed me and my outlook on life. Although it doesn't change the way my brain and body functions; physically I'm still me, just better. 

What is a wife? The dictionary says it's a married woman. Well that's true but being a wife is so much more than just being married. It's being a best friend, a secret keeper, a partner for life. You have to be faithful, supportive, loving, honest, and understanding. There is so much more to it than just being married. As a wife, we have our duties that are normally expected to come with the title, but the most important duty is our biblical duty to our husband. To Love, Honor, and RESPECT him. We answer to him and he answers to God. Its not really a submissive thing,  it's definitely not a hard thing to do.  

I call being a wife a privilege not because I am married, but because of who i am married to. My husband treats me amazingly. He shows me love and treats me with respect. He supports me with anything and everything and is completely understanding. I married a Godly man. Never in my life have  I met a man like him! He is definitely a different kind of man which is why I respect him so much. 

Anyways, I am happy!! I love my husband and my marriage!  I love being a wife, so I therefore dedicate this blog to my life as a wife. Maybe it will be read and maybe it won't, but what matters is that it is here. Just like a smile can lift someones spirit, my blog possibly give a woman hope in some way.

If you're single: Never give up on finding your prince...just don't kiss alot of frogs trying to find him.
If you're taken or engaged: RESPECT is a huge thing to men, don't be a whiner or be bossy. You are his equal. Don't be completely co-dependent yet don't be so independent that he feels like you don't need him.
If you're married: Like i said before RESPECT him!! if there is problems, christian counseling is a great option if you are both willing. Always be willing, always be loving, always listen and try not to look for a hiding meaning because there usually isn't one.

I have learned alot in my life and my past has opened my eyes. Being a wife is an awesome thing but he also has to be a husband, it's not one sided.

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her"