Thursday, July 12, 2012

im moving

im moving my blog to anyone interested....ill post the link as soon as i get it set up. comment if u want an email with the link so that u dont have to check the blog :) have a great day

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I havent blogged since January??!! are u kidding me?

She's Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ari (aka bird)

the day we found out i was pregnant and due in february we were so excited to find out what day. when the dr said my due date was february 21st i was 10 weeks pregnant. i told my husband i was having our baby on the 17th....i just had a feeling. my grandmother passed away on feb 13 which was a huge loss to my side of the family. i wanted her to meet my baby so bad, but i know shes watching from heaven. on valentines day i didnt expect anything from my husband except to be with me at my drs appt. well i got a few gifts that day...i found out i was effaced 80% and dilated 3cm. dr said he was scheduling me for induction on friday 2/17/12, if i didnt have her before then. i was ecstatic to find out that i was right on the dot with her birth date :) we went and told everyone and called people. when we got home. there was a card, a stuffed animal, and a glass rose waiting for me. my hubby suprised me. its my first valentines gift from him ever :) 

our lil angel was born with a smiley smirk :)

she fits right into our lil family and her big bro and sis love her to pieces. i love being a mommy and i love being a wife!! i believe our family is complete :)

who ever said babies dont smile is full of crap!!
that is a smile for sure!!

Ari has smiled since the day she was born and it wasnt gas!! she smiles everyday and she even giggles when she smiles sometimes. and that was before she was a month old! she even holds he head up and wants to stiffen her legs when we hold her in a standing postion (she can even move one foot in front of the other,as to walk) and she tries to roll over and push herself up. she is nearing 2 months now. i am so very much in love with my babies!! being a mom to 3 and the wife to the best guy ever is more than i could ever dream of.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

a month gone by.....

Its been a month since I have blogged. Makes me sad :(. Ive had a little bit of writers block and lack of internet. In 4 weeks or sooner Ill be having baby #3. Im nervous and excited and not completely ready. Physically Im ready for her to be here and to have my body back due to the aches and pains but I havent nested this go around so there for my house isnt ready. Ive been more focused on spending time with my husband and two older babies and family. My floors need shampooed and my house organized, baby clothes need to be washed and bottles sterilized. Ugh..where to find the time. Hopefully this weekend will bring some productiveness. Oh how I wish I had internet at home. Ive been spending alot of time with my parents and lil bro which has been nice since I went years without seeing them due to a past relationship. Im hoping these next few weeks go by well and that anything that needs to be done gets done. Im also hoping that anything that needs to be said gets said before the baby gets here that way there is less stress and drama. Not that theres ever a right time for that Id rather just handle it before she gets here.

Ive been stressed and very insecure this past month and it sucks. Im afraid that after having my third child that my body will never be close to what it was. Im afraid that after weight loss Im going to be nothing but sagging skin due to all the stretched skin everywhere ( breast, stomach, hips, butt, thighs). Thankfully I didn't get any new stretch marks to add to that. I do have a wonderful husband who tells me that im beautiful all the time. This is his first child so I hope he thinks so after the pregnancy aftermath. He didn't have much to say after I told him about the 6 week waiting period after delivery. He's learning fast though and Im so proud of him. I hope that I will be able to update again and have photos to share soon. Until next time. God Bless :)